Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This is a recent entry in my Fast Write Journal. It doesn't stand out in any way to me, it just happens to be the page I opened too. Here it is:

The other day I logged on to my Facebook an was just minding my own business ya know, checking notifications, replying to messages.. Anyways, I was scrolling down my news feed just innocently scoping out Facebook when I came across a picture of a girl with a shaved head. Not completely bald, but maybe 1/4-1/2 inch hair length on the shaved parts. It was short as fuck. Through further analysis of the photograph, and by glancing at the title of the photo, I could see this was no one other than my ex, Kallie. "JESUS" was what I said. I was shocked. Damn near shit my pants. "How the.. What the.. Why?!" was all  I thought. She had shaved the sides of her head up to above her ears. It looked ridiculous. I was embarrassed for her. And for myself, having had anything to do with that. She wasn't crazy when I was with her, but now I will live in silence, and not speak of or mention any relation with that fool.
It looked like that..........................................^^ But not as attractive.

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